Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Mapping Henderson Mountain Day 3

Day 3 of mapping. Woo!

This morning, Maggie and I took a walk out the back of Henderson down to the Daisy Creek valley, which drains Fisher Mountain. Fisher Mountain has been a site of heavy remediation for acid mine drainage, which turns the water orange and very acidic. One of my research projects this summer dealt with the health of these types of streams using the biology. I find this absolutely fascinating.

In the afternoon, our groups went up to the ridge line of Henderson to map the top. In short, Eocene volcanics blew a cone of the mountain up, which then allowed for precious metals to be deposited throughout the mountain. These processes also pushed up giant "rafts" of sedimentary rocks, like Chimney Rock. While we were up at the top, two of the three Bens found musical inspiration from the rocks.

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